[Sussex] Missing ethernet interface under Debian

Neil Ford neil at smudgypixels.net
Fri Apr 11 11:00:01 UTC 2003

On Fri, 11 Apr 2003 10:39:43 +0100, Geoff Teale wrote:
>>  /etc/modules contains the appropriate module, but that may not be an 
>>  indicator that it's actually being used that way.
> Hmm, unless it's got a recompiled kernel and the module was just kicking
> about I would image it is using it.  One easy way to check:
> lsmod
> ... that should tell you what's in use.
Well lsmod says it's in use:

   Module                  Size  Used by    
   af_packet               6152   1  (autoclean)
   lockd                  41756   0  (autoclean) (unused)
   sunrpc                 57816   0  (autoclean) [lockd]
   rtl8139                11168   1 
   unix                   11352  11  (autoclean)

So now to find where it's being aliased.

>>  If it is compiled into the kernel, that would be highly inconvenient.
> Well, it might mean you'll have to reboot the machine.
Re-booting isn't an issue, it's more that the machine in question 
doesn't appear to have the kernel sources installed.

Neil Ford
neil at smudgypixels.net
http://www.smudgypixels.net | http://www.binky.ourshack.org/weblog

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