[Sussex] Oil tanker syndrome :)

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Mon Apr 14 11:53:01 UTC 2003


On 14 April 2003 at 10:52 Nik Butler wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 14, 2003 at 10:40:42AM +0100, Dominic wrote:
> > I think the attachment suggests the flexibility of Linux
> > will eventually be its strength...  Or maybe its just funny :)
> Maybe it suggests that like a Iceberg thre is more to Linux, 
> beneath the wves and hidden from view than you might expect.
> In fact whilst you are seeing the exposure of linux today,
> well its only the tip of the iceberg....

I hope you're right.

One can but hope that in those companies that know that Window's
is not a replacement for Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, ... in the server
room Linux might be seen as a replacement for Window on the desktop.

As has been pointed out the real cost of using commodity software
on commodity hardware (Windows or Linux on Intel) is not the purchase
cost.  And I doubt that M$'s license is that high a factor too.  But
the real cost is in Admin.

If one can use the same basic skill set in the server room and on the
desktop (a point made by M$ if I recall correctly) then there are 
savings to be made.  Wouldn't it be somewhat ironic if M$'s own 
marketing was used against it?


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