[Sussex] Windows Server 2003 overtakes Solaris 9 on the web

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Mon Apr 14 15:13:01 UTC 2003

Mark Wrote:
> Geoff,
> It's a ridiculous _HEADLINE_, but the story behind it was 
> fairly balanced.

Hmmm, the explicit comparison of Windows 2003 Server with Sun Solaris 9 in
this particular field is setting out to be provacative, and is completely
irrelevant.  I think this is just making a story up where there isn't one.
That was my point, it's a ridiculous story to write at all.
> Indeed, it explicitly stated that Apache still has the lion's 
> share of all 
> sites.

This is true.  They didn't write anything that was untrue, or biased, but
the entire theme of the story is simply stupid and open to very wide
interpretation.  A lot of people (as I did) would read it as being pro
Windows 2003.  It is worthwhile to note that thousands of people have Win
2003 machine on the net, I have no qualms with that, it is blatantly true.
It's really this comparison with Sun I don't get.

Why compare it with Solaris in a completely arbitrary fashion?  

> The point of the story was not that MS was overtaking Sun, 
> but that MS was 
> pushing people to use the newest version of their product, 
> wheras Sun were 
> happy to continuing supporting previous versions for a long 
> time, and letting 
> customers decide when to move.

While that is true I don't think it was the point of the story, but then
these are just _our_ interpretations.  I don't think my view is any more
valid than yours, but I suprised that you read it that way, simply because I
did not.  To be fair, you may have had time to give it more than the cursory
glance I did, but I still believe the whole conceit of the article is plain

> One might think that this was a positive message about Sun 
> and a negative one 
> about MS :-)


Did you here, Microsoft have given a job in their marketing department to
the former Iraqi communication minister.  "Patches for IIS, why would we
need those? There are no security holes in IIS, never have been, never will
be.  It's all a lie made up by the evil lying Americans, er, I mean GNU
cancer spreaders.  May their beards get stuck in their flies, those evil
sons of goat mollestors."

geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk
tealeg at member.fsf.org

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