[Sussex] IPCop Change Green Interface Card

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Mon Apr 14 15:32:05 UTC 2003


On 14 April 2003 at 15:00 Stuart Jeffrey
> I have a small machine that I have been trying to install
> ipcop onto.  Unfortunatly I cannot put a floppy or cdrom
> drive in the machine, so the only option was to install on
> a different machine and then move the hd over to this one.
> Unfortunatly the network card in the install machine is
> different to the one we want and I cant find any way of
> changing it.
> Doe any one have any ideas?

First let me say that I have never used ipcop, but I have
done the "install on another machine" think a few times.  A
lot depends upon how the system installs itself.  If it only 
installs the modules that it needs from the hardware it 
detects then you've got a bit of a problem.

However, if all the kernel drivers are installed then there
shouldn't be a problem.  Take a look in
it may take a bit of digging to find the correct driver.

I would also recommend pulling the appropriate kernel source.
There is a lot of documentation in their to help find the
driver you're looking for.


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