[Sussex] SPAM

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Mon Apr 28 20:50:01 UTC 2003

> I relies that we can stop most if not all messages that come in vier
> mailman
> As spammers don't tend to signup to the list.

I'm pondering on that thought, because if spammers signed up to the list,
they wouldn't be here very long before another listmember goes round their
houses and breaks their legs or something.

>> I don't mind dealing with spam sent to the list, but I would rather
> list
>> members didn't also have to suffer spam as well.

It would be good if the ISPs would enforce the spam policy of either being
charged an amount per email, or would give out the address details of the
spammers to the local vigilante anti-spammer group.


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