[Sussex] vi, Emacs and VIPER

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Wed Apr 30 11:02:12 UTC 2003

Steve wrote:
> I though the vi emulation in Emacs was vile (I know that that 
> name has been used elsewhere) back when I started using Emacs
> 5 - 10 years ago.

It's actually reasonable these days, but still an abhorent way of doing
things!  It was developed further by Matz (the Japanese guy who is to Ruby
what Larry Wall is to Perl), so that he could have a sensible, modern
development environment without having to relearn all his built up vi muscle
memory.  Ruby was written using it, and as such most of the annoyances were
smoothed out (it's now maintained by people other than Matz - his time is
monopolised by Ruby, now the most popular development language in Japan,
South Korea and China).

> Just to play devils advocate from our vi/emacs rant (more
> tomorrow).
>     This also gives you the worst of both worlds:  The
>     un-intuitive interface or vi with the large run-time
>     image that is Emacs :-)

I absolutely agree, and as the developers point out, there is nothing vi can
do that Emacs couldn't do anyway if you were prepared to learn it.  Really
this is just a way of giving vi users a way to get some of the advantages of
living in the 21st century without having to leave the 1970's behind
completely. ;)  The also point out that VIPER under emacs is infact
significantly more powerful than any version of vi.

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