[Sussex] Novell Acquire Ximian

Geoff Teale gteale at cmedltd.com
Mon Aug 4 15:42:00 UTC 2003


Big news of the day.  Not content with moving their entire server platform and 
Network Management software base to Linux and cundriming SCO's intellectual 
property claims against IBM, Novell are now investing heavily in Linux 
desktop and development software.  Chief in this plan is the announcement 
today of Novell's acquisition of Ximian.

This will see a large amount of funding and a full time development team 
working on Ximain Desktop, Ximian Evolution and crucially the Mono project.

Migual will now be the new CTO of Novell Ximain Systems and guarantees are 
included in the deal to ensure the open source nature of Ximians work and the 
eventual open sourcing of _all_ Novell software.
gteale at cmedltd.com
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