[Sussex] /cdrom question

Gavin Stevens starshine at gavmusic.uklinux.net
Fri Aug 22 23:59:57 UTC 2003

On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 18:25:31 +0100 (BST), John Crowhurst 
<fyremoon at fyremoon.net> wrote:

Many thanks for your help John.
>> Hi all,
>> In the course of installing Star Office yesterday, I ran a file search
>> for  "so*" & accidentally found a file "/dev/sonycd".
>> I'm just wondering if this might be connected in some way to my
>> machine's  problems in reading the Debian 3 CDs.. Or it might be nothing
>> to do with it  at all.
> I doubt this is your problem. The devices in /dev/ are simply files that
> interface with the kernel so that the file system

I doubted it too, but it was worth asking as a last ditch before accepting 
that the Debian 3 CDs are not going to work. Also, it mentioned in the 
release notes at Debian.org that CD-Rs don't always work.
>> I checked /dev/cdrom & it is pointing to cdrom (audio CDs & every data
>> CD  apart from the Debian 3 CDs work fine). I haven't yet tried
>> recording  anything onto CD (I do have the ide-scsi module present).
> Sounds like there might be something wrong with the Debian CDs, perhaps
> they weren't burnt properly.

I am as certain as I can be that there is some issue with the Debian 3 CDs 
& I shall be taking up Steve's suggestion & upgrading via the web. 
CheepLinux have said I can return the CDs for a full refund (I might see if 
I can swap them for a debonaire Debian T-shirt or something).

>> What I'm not sure about, is whether this /dev/sonycd is in some way
>> influencing my CD-R, which isn't a Sony CD at all - it's a Philips
>> CDD3610  CDR/RW.
> You may find that the driver for Sony CD also supports the Philips CD
> drives as well, as they might share the same chipset.

That sounds good.
> --
> John
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