[Sussex] VNC Apps?

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Fri Aug 29 11:03:00 UTC 2003


A new semester is beckoning for me at university, and I'd quite like to
be able to use my computer from uni.  I've got dynDNS setup on my
firewall, I'm just wondering what the best VNC app is in peoples view. 
I was using tightvnc over a lan, but obviously if this is gonna be going
over the net, it needs to be v. secure.  Also, a webfront end via JAVA
would be nice, coz the uni firewall is so strict!


|Matthew Macdonald-Wallace        |
|The Truth Will Set you Free      |
BOFH Excuse #422: Someone else stole your IP address, call the Internet

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