[Sussex] Getting brave ?, perhaps not.

Angelo Servini angelo at servini.co.uk
Mon Dec 1 00:09:44 UTC 2003

Hello John,

Sunday, November 30, 2003, 8:52:08 PM, you wrote:

JD> Hi list,

JD> Should I follow the guide literally and do the fdisk stuff? Or would I be able 
JD> to skip that and get into it further on ?

First of all I would reccomend following the guide.   I am / was a
noobie at gentoo, and I probably would have got stuck pretty early on
if I had'nt stuck to the guide as much as poss.

JD> i.e. as I want to put it onto 
JD> /dev/hda4 (and yes, even though I was asking about partitions earlier last 
JD> week, I'm just going to put it all onto one partition...

Again according to the guide - I have a SWAP, BOOT and ROOT partition
+ 2 partitions under WINDOWS 98 as drives C: and D:

My linux ROOT lives alongside D: as an extended partition running
as ReiserFS.

This all works reasonably well using LILO to manage multi booting.  I
hope this helps.

Best regards,
 Angelo                            mailto:angelo at servini.co.uk

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