[Sussex] OOo Scripting?

Matthew Macdonald-Wallace matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
Thu Dec 4 15:28:49 UTC 2003

On Thu, 2003-12-04 at 15:22, Mark Harrison wrote:
> > I tried to lock down the windows XP box I'm working on which asl doubles
> > as a print server for 1 other machine.  I disabled the Guest account
> > (Standard practice as far as I'm concerned) and the printer sharing
> > stopped working.
> >
> > /me shakes head at security of MS
> A little unfair.
> Just because it's possible to set up a box badly, doesn't that MS is
> insecure.

This is how it shipped. I know that no-one's played with these settings,
because I'm the only one in the place that would know where to look.
(not boasting, just fact sadly...)

> It is not difficult to set up a Windows box so that guest account is
> disabled AND it can act as a print server.

Agreed, but usually that is in a situation where the users are
authenticating against the same server.  this is a simple home network
(the office is in our converted garage!) where server versions of XP are
not financially viable. The machine in question is running XP Pro.

> 99% of the "insecurity" of Windows is because people THINK they know more
> about setting up machines on networks than they actually know. MS's
> marketing department have to take a lot of the rap for that... but the
> programming departments are full of good people who know what they're doing,
> and are as sick of idiots setting up things badly as the rest of us.
I don't dispute that for a second, however, in my opinion, the guest
account is something you should have to enable when you need it, not
disable when you realise it's there.

|Matthew Macdonald-Wallace                  |
|The Truth Will Set you Free              |
|http://www.truthisfreedom.org.uk/  |
"I think what we need to do is convince people who live in the lands
they live in to build the nations." George W. Bush October 11, 2000
Presidential Debate -- Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

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