[Sussex] Procmail Recipies

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Sat Dec 6 14:54:28 UTC 2003

> On Sat, 2003-12-06 at 14:16, John Crowhurst wrote:
>> > All,
>> >
>> > I'm trying to automate playing of mp3s via email to see what
>> procmail can do.
> John,
> I've given this a go, but there doesn't seem to be any audio coming out.
> I think I may have found the problem, I'm trying to run it as a user
> that's not logged in.
> Is there a way of doing this?

Setuid I would imagine, you might also have a look at the sound system and
ownership of /dev/audio and /dev/dsp (I usually have them chmod 777)

So its chmod u+s for setuid (run as that user) and chmod g+s for setgid
(run as that group)


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