[Sussex] Crontab issues
John Crowhurst
fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Mon Dec 8 17:45:09 UTC 2003
> All,
> I've set up a crontab on my server with the following:
> MAILTO:matthew at truthisfreedom.org.uk
> 0 0 * * * * lynx -dump http://www.truthisfreedom.org.uk/scriptname
> where scriptname is the name of the script I want to run (it's php and
> they don't have the binaries, so this is the only way to do it.
> I want it to run at midnight everyday, and up until now, it hasn't been
> running at all, however, last night (without making any changes!) it
> kicked in at midnight and has been sending me a confirmation email and
> the results of the script in an email every minute (1030 and counting
> before I switched it off!).
I can only guess that someone started crond on the machine or synchronised
the crontab.
The reason why you are getting a message a minute I assume is that you
have another tab that is set to one minute (perhaps touching a temporary
file for crons purpose)
cron isn't very smart, it would probably be better to write a script that
mails you the output (or at least alerts you that it has run) instead of
expecting cron to do it.
> Can someone just quickly tell me what it should be changed to?
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