[Sussex] tail -f fifo

Alan J Fitton alan at loonix.net
Fri Dec 12 19:20:26 UTC 2003


This is weird, works on my FreeBSD box, but not on slackware-current... I
think it's a problem with 'tail', because I have the same problem on
earlier kernels than the 2.4.23 I'm using now, and filesystems other than

$ mkfifo test
$ tail -f test

Meanwhile, in another console...

$ echo one >test
$ echo two >test

The tail only shows "one", and nothing after that. So it seems to only
pick up the first piece of input to a fifo, everything after that goes

Hopefully I'm not missing something obvious here, because it certainly has
me stumped. I can't see anything in the tail manpage which would suggest
I'm doing anything wrong. Any ideas? :)

btw, slackware-current (9.1 too I think) seems to use a pretty plain
coreutils 5.0

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