[Sussex] Installing Gentoo - more questions

Iain Stevenson iain at iainstevenson.com
Sat Dec 20 14:04:10 UTC 2003

I'm still mystified by this.  Whenever I've installed X v4.0 from source it 
has always used XF86Config-4.  So either:

- you're using an old version of X
- Gentoo sets X version 4 to use a different config file ie XF86Config.

I think the only way you'll resolve this is to systematically rename each 
XF86Config to something completely different until X stops working. Then 
you'll know which one is being used.


--On Saturday, December 20, 2003 13:25:44 +0000 John Crowhurst 
<fyremoon at fyremoon.net> wrote:

>  > Well, it seems that I'm buggered.
>> If I look in my /etc/X11,
>> there's file:/etc/X11/XF86Config
>> file:/etc/X11/XF86Config.kxconfig.backup and
>> file:/etc/X11/XF86Config.working
>> and I have absolutely no idea how to check which is the one that is
>> being  used.
> X usually uses XF86Config first, unless you explicitly tell it not to. You
> need to be careful though, if you have a different XF86Config in your home
> directory, it will use that instead.
>> I can also see xvidtune in the file:/etc/X11/app-defaults but what to do
>> with  it, and how to use it remain a mystery. I've read a man page, but
>> what would  be the correct/incorrect way to use it, is another mystery.
>> Does anyone know of any good links or idiot guides that might explain
>> please ?
> There are two generic HOWTOs for XFree86, the first is very basic:
> http://en.tldp.org/HOWTO/XFree86-HOWTO/
> The second explains what the Video timings are and more indepth stuff, but
> the author thinks its probably obsolete:
> http://en.tldp.org/HOWTO/XFree86-Video-Timings-HOWTO/
> --
> John
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