[Sussex] Excel 2000 SELECT

Mark Harrison Mark at ascentium.co.uk
Tue Dec 30 22:41:35 UTC 2003

At the risk of being an infidel, does anyone local to me have a copy of the
SELECT CD version of Office 2000 SR-1 Premium that I could, erm, borrow.

I _do_ have a licence to use the product, but got rid of it in favour of
OpenOffice.org some months ago.

I have to do some work urgently which involves rewriting a bit of VBA to
read a registry entry... which doesn't exactly lend itself to OOo... and the
nearest copy of the Select CDs for that suite I could lay my hands on is in
Paddington :-(

If you're not happy to hand over the CD, any chance of my camping out in a
corner of your office for an hour to install Excel2k on my laptop?


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