[Sussex] Athlon crashing

Derek Harding derek at lagham.uklinux.net
Wed Dec 31 13:31:16 UTC 2003

Hi, I wonder if anyone has any ideas:-

I have created a server using an Athlon XP1900 to act as a file/print
server with Samba and as a terminal server for thin clients. Done it
before and everything works fine except - 

Every so often Xwindows sessions on clients close without warning back
to the xdm/kdm login screen. The machine itself doesn't crash, just the
X server.

So I changed to another Athlon mother board (moved the hard disks) -
running at 900. Exactly the same problem. I'm using the same config on
another PIII with no problems at all! The same thing happens in fact
with ANY distribution (even Gentoo). HDD DMA is enabled and on the
original machine the video shares the main RAM, but not on the temporary

Should I do something special because I'm running Athlon? The logs don't
help and the only anomoly I can find is that about 2M of the huge swap
space seems to be occupied shortly before X restarts. Nothing seems odd
from "top" and I'm really stuck.

I haven't recomiled the kernel and am using SuSE 9.0 as the base

Best wishes and Happy New Year,
Derek Harding

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