[Sussex] The Indie recommends Linux!

tealeg at tealeg.uklinux.net tealeg at tealeg.uklinux.net
Wed Dec 31 14:21:57 UTC 2003

Hi there,

Just finished reading the centre spread of todays Independent.  It's an article about the technology trends for 2004 (third one I've read in as many days).

In common with the others I've seen they predict that iPod will  start to excercise it's market dominance and in turn make iTunes the number one online music seller and promote sales of the Mac.  Online music sales will be the driving force in the consumer technology market this year and they reckon Apple has already one the battle - and by not supporting Microsofts media formats they've beaten M$FT at their own game.  

They also predict that Windows security hole exploits and viruses will be less and less about trivial annoyances (like mailing out pr0n from your address) and more and more about getting your credit card details and your online banking log-in.

For this reason the Independent recommends to consumers that if they buy a new computer this year their number one choice should be:

A PC runnnig Linux! 

.. failing that they say an Mac running OS X is a good choice.  They absolutely explicitly say "do not get a Windows XP machine".   The other two articles I read both recommended getting a Mac and not a Windows machine.

GJ Teale
mailto : tealeg at member.fsf 
http   : www.tealeg.uklinux.net

Version: 3.12
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