[Sussex] Exchange replacement for Linux? || and rant

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Wed Feb 5 22:17:01 UTC 2003

> OK... little question for you all... I need (as the title implies) a
> system that runs on Linux that will replecate an exchange server. By
> this, I mean it needs to support all the features of Outlook (Including
> calendars/etc). Changing the client software is NOT an option - so
> please don't even suggest it.

Hmm, I would say HP OpenMail here, but they've stopped letting new
customers download it. Apparently it did all the calendar things as well
as being sendmail.

> network) wish to use shared calendars. And Outlook. They REFUSE to use
> anything else other than outlook, yet they cannot justify this view. It
> took me 6 hours to setup the linux server as a PDC, and have all
> machines logged on, software/users configured and all running sweet as a
> nut. (2000 Pro on the workstations, btw).

I found this link, which might help:

Perhaps exchange4linux may be able to help:

> Then, our bigshot team leader comes in, fresh from 'running microsoft
> networks for 7 years' and starts moaning because his laptop can't logon
> to the domain. Why? Well, because he's running Windoze XP. After my

Sounds like he has a MCI (Microsoft Certfied of Insanity)

Under the moon, the chaos dragon flies.

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