[Sussex] Hello all

Andrew Guard agua at coinford.co.uk
Mon Feb 10 10:53:01 UTC 2003

> > Computing history is something like this:-

>    Opus Computer 486

I did an stint of work there for 2 weeks.

> Programming Languages in order of discovery
> 	Fortran

I know of it because I can program Amiga Installer.

> 	m68k

Well Amiga, that's all I have to say.

> 	Basic

We all start somewhere.

> 	Pascal

Made to use this a collage.  Got in to lot trouble for daring to learn other
things like changing pen colour.  You wouldn't believe how much trouble I
got in to for learning how do that.

> 	C

Looked at it, never got it.

> 	VB

It's evil I tell, evil. I never know language to have so many date bugs. :)

> 	Java

Respect!  I have one first white papers from Sun on this, before any browser
had got to it.

> 	Perl

Didn't learn it, See below.

> 	PHP

Why I didn't learn Perl.  There is so much I have learn about this.  But
what little I do know of it I'll give up most respect.

If what something which very cool, then look at intent from tao.


> Anyway welcome to the Sussex LUG where 
> 	We See Debian People.

Spooky that! :)

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