[Sussex] NOW: So, who are the all-time greats? WAS Hello all

Neil Ford neil at smudgypixels.net
Wed Feb 12 00:14:02 UTC 2003

On Tuesday, February 11, 2003, at 11:32  pm, Geoff Teale wrote:

>> - Mitch Kapor - Wasn't he on Baywatch?
> Founded Lotus, wrote 1,2,3 ... sold to IBM, retired rich.  REally not a
> great contribution.
Helped found the EFF, is involved in (founder of?) the Open Source 
Applications Foundation (http://http://www.osafoundation.org/index.htm) 
who are developing Chandler.

123 was the killer app for the IBM PC. Without it I don't believe the 
PC would have broken into business the way it did and the world might 
be a very different place (we'd all be using Macs).


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