[Sussex] Appology / continuation

Macdonald-Wallace, Matthew J s0209208 at glos.ac.uk
Thu Feb 13 13:09:01 UTC 2003

Mark, Geoff,

>> I've NEVER valued MCSEs... There was an article in one of the 
>> rags recently 
>> about how personnel managers valued MCSEs above Degrees... I 
>> laughed so hard I 
>> cried :-)
>The things about an MCSE is that _yes_ it shows some nouse and 
>it garantees
>a certain level of exposure to concepts, but it doesn't really give any
>idication of quality or standard.  

I am (was?) a MCP in NT4, M$ pulled the plug on Server in the enterprise
before I could finish my MCSE.  The company I was working for also refused
to stump up the funding for me to train in 2k.

The information I was taught as part of the course did _not_ relate to the
problems faced in real life.  The worse thing? I was working with guys who
were MCP, MCSE+i, MCT, you name it, if it was microsoft, they had it.  Some
of them even wrote the official curriculum! (One at least is now working for
M$) Even they said that what was taught was not what happened.  MCP/MCSE is,
IMO, a great way of being introduced to the technologies and practices of
MS, and a good base to start from, however, it is _not_ the be all and end

My £0.02


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