[Sussex] bork bork bork

Nik Butler nik at wired4life.org
Sun Feb 16 22:05:16 UTC 2003

> The thrust of the piece (for those that didn't read it) was that the 
Yeah I read it at least four times, but an interesting article also
available on the same site suggest the older the system the less likely
to experience security risks. Then again I think I still feel happier
that Redhat, Mandrak , Microsoft, etc can withold source code on Open
Source projects I implement. 

If redhat an all stop supplying patched to security they arent
increasing risk cause of lack of updates. as the project author is
producing the updates they will find new avenues..

which is good..

Hey maybe I need a bar on my kde 

start --- Linux Update.


> Only time will tell how much of an issue this is going to be.
very little issue as forking, and witholding have not stopped linux to

nik at wired4life.org	http://www.wired4life.org/	Wired4Life, an Answer.

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