[Sussex] [Job] Wanted: Sales / Marketing guy.

Jon Fautley jon at geekpeople.net
Thu Feb 27 11:15:01 UTC 2003

On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 21:58, Nik Butler wrote:
> > Now I *know* I need to get my eyesight tested - I read it as 'Bait' - and I 
> > thought you'd be trawling for 'l33t h4x0r5'  Oh well, wrong again!
> heheeh well we like to leave the Leet Kiddies to work for that other
> famous IT (no)Support Company in Crawley. Especially if they use the VI
> Shell <grin>

Cheers Nik, just managed to spit coffee all over the place, then Clayton
asked what the matter was ;)

Anyway, i'm off to explain exactly what port forwarding and basic
networking principals are to the rest of the engineering team...

Oh what a fun job I have :)

Jon Fautley <jon at geekpeople.net>

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