[Sussex] Router...

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Fri Feb 28 23:19:01 UTC 2003

Bowing to the pressure of having to keep rebooting this stupid router, I
have decided to order a Solwise 110, plug it in my hub and set it with all
the usable settings of my old DSL router, then throw the damn thing as far
as I can chuck it.

Recommended things not to buy:

* DSLW 906E router, simply because the router support is so bad with
fair-adsl that I wouldn't dare recommend such a DSL company either! The
router is manufactured by a company called Aztech in Singapore, but you
can't get anything out of them either! If there are a high number of
connections, its like the NAT buffer overruns and the router reboots. It
doesn't take much to push it over the edge, aside from the fact that the
router will die on its own, or get itself into LPCP lockup state which
involves tearing down the interface and restoring.

I'm sure you'll be able to add to this list all those problematic hardware
and compatibility issues.

I hope I've made the right choice with solwise this time.


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