[Sussex] NOW: This is a different thread WAS: This is a New T hread

Macdonald-Wallace, Matthew J s0209208 at glos.ac.uk
Fri Jan 3 12:12:01 UTC 2003

I get the feeling people have too much time on their hands! :o)

I'm back in sunny Cheltenham already (uni doesn't start til a week monday,
and for a bit of a laugh I thought I'd write a webserver in C.

So far, it handles HTML requests, I'm looking at forking processes now so
that it'll handle more than  one connection, it logs whos connecting and the
page they're viewing, and its only about 150 lines of code.

hmm, maybe I'm the one with too much time on my hands? ;o)

Happy new year guys, and if anyone can explain why /dev/usb/lp0 isn't
showing up or letting CUPS connect to my Epson, that would be great! (I'm
using Gentoo by the way!)



>-----Original Message-----
>From: Nik Butler [mailto:nik at wired4life.org]
>Sent: 03 January 2003 11:17
>To: sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk
>Subject: Re: [Sussex] NOW: This is a different thread WAS: 
>This is a New
>If a Unsaid thread is said,
>then said thread is a new thread
>but if a new thread follows a said thread
>then its a Follow on said threaded thread
>But if a Said thread is posted
>and the Host posted post the most threads
>then the most post thread is the most said thread
>and the least said thread is unthreaded.
>Now Threads past posting are thread wasting hosting
>and wasted hosts which post psat threads are unwanted
>threaded hosts of old past posts.
>So when youve had your said and posted a thread
>make sure that its a well past post hosted thread!
>Sussex mailing list
>Sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk

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