[Sussex] An odd question....

Nik Butler nik at wired4life.org
Mon Jan 6 11:14:00 UTC 2003

Actually the real question here is How can I get a job in IT.

Heres how I managed to get my first job, even after leaving college
with a BTEC Hnd Computing.

1. Goto local library and pick up from the reference section the
computer users yearly handbook.

2. make a note of every address of companies whom you feel youd like to
work with and put them into some sort of database. give yourself a few
fields for noting when you last sent a job requests, when you last
received a rejection and who wote back to you.

3. make a couple of nice cover letters  to go with the  database above
as a mail merge, allowing space to write peoples names into the Dear
bit. Get lods and lods of copied of your CV, on one page, and if
possible a link to a website where your full CV is available. 

4. Buy lots of stamps and envelopes. if possible hand deliver letters
and ask for good contacts or appropriatt contacts.

5. on receiving rejections , make a note in the database then set the
mailmerge to print new inquiry letters every 3 weeks following a rejection.

6. send lots of  letters and make lots of follow up calls.

7. keep it up for 3 months and someone will give you a job.

I managed to write to over 600 companies in the south of england and
sent responses to well over 400 after that. I walked in on at least 200
companies and got other contacts and details when I was their. 

I gave evidence to my local employment centre of this activity to avoid
being put into YTS. and I remained persistent depsite the 400
oddrejection letters. 

I got a job eventually with Llyods Bank Insurance Services who employed
me because of this determination and rigour and proof that I could
utilise technology to answer responsesto issues.


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