[Sussex] Some info on IE.

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Mon Jan 6 20:05:01 UTC 2003

> Frankly the idea that Microsoft might veer away from the standards
> slightly in the pursuit of "enhancing" their applications or adding new
> "features" really isn't a suprise.  It's testament to the power of
> Apache in the web server market that Microsoft don't think they can just
> change the IIS/IE coupling so they can only talk to each other - now
> that would the time to call in the law.

It needs someone to write an exploit for IIS that uses this kind of TCP
connection to its advantage, especially as there would be no
authentication necessary.

Its not a nice way to weaken Microsoft's advantage over the windows
desktop, but its something that would probably be done as soon as someone
worked it out anyway.


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