[Sussex] Putting the World to Rights

Geoff Teale Geoff.Teale at claybrook.co.uk
Mon Jan 13 15:25:01 UTC 2003

Steve wrote:
> Thanks for the quick response, here is mine.

Feel like we're getting to the bottom of this particular discussion now..
look how much we can get out of a simple Munch Bunch advert.

> I never said that view point of the masses is the right one, nor did
> I say that people on masse are easierly manipulated.  All I do say is
> that "if a large enough body of people revolt governments can fall".  
> I think history bares me out.

Agreed.  One thing our era/country lacks is students protesting something
other than their own financial situation.

<snippity snip - mostly in agreement, differences here are slight> 

> Granted, but again this is EU law not EU politics.  I like to 
> keep Law and 
> Politics separate (were I can).

Now there's idealism for you ;)
geoff.teale at claybrook.co.uk
tealeg at member.fsf.org
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