[Sussex] Long live the revolution!

Macdonald-Wallace, Matthew J s0209208 at glos.ac.uk
Tue Jan 21 14:22:01 UTC 2003

Ok, I have to launch in here!

<steps onto soap box>
>Now, as far as being Yankee lap dogs, I vote for that any day 
>over further
>euro-integration! The EU is so corrupt it makes Keith Vaz look 
>like Mother
>Teresa. They sacked the only auditor with the nuts to speak 
>out - that's
>real open and honest government for you! 

Agreed, the EU is corrupt.

>The Americans also 
>speak the same
>language and have similar culture, and our currency and 
>economy are more in
>sync with theirs than any in europe.

The also have a seriously corrupt president.  His election campaign was
pretty much funded by Exxon (Esso's parent company) and it was them who
asked him to abolish Kyoto - done.  They're an oil company, the main reason
for going to the gulf? Oil.  It think its more of a case that its better the
devil you've argued with before thatn the devil you haven't at least theres
a chance you can reach and EQUAL alliance.

>The final thing is that the Americans don't want to take us 
>over, unlike the
>EU. I rather like our country, government of shysters excepted, and
>appreciate other nations dealing with us as we are than trying 
>to impose
>change against our will.

OK, this I don't agree with at all.  America have set themselves up as the
international police force and are about to tell the UN to F**K OFF over
Iraq.  They want to take the world over, they're just doing it with large
(corrupt) corporations unless they reach an obstacle (Iraq/Osama/Anyone else
who they don't like) then they resort to force.

At least the EU are working for a supposed unilateral agreement on trade,
the americans are like the selfish baby who crys until they get what they

>Otherwise, I'm all for promoting Linux and Open Source stuff 
>in general, and
>I'm sure its' future is secure.

Me too, of that I am certain.

>Long live the Revolution! 


>Vote Tory!

Never! I'll vote for anyone but.  It took them 13 years to f##k our country
and Iwas too young to have any say then, but I'm damned if I'm gonna let
them do it a second time.

</soap box>
>Take Cover!!

from nuke's perhaps??? ;o)

My £0.02,


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>From: sussex-admin at mailman.lug.org.uk
>[mailto:sussex-admin at mailman.lug.org.uk]On Behalf Of Geoff Teale
>Sent: 21 January 2003 11:09
>To: 'sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk'
>Subject: RE: [Sussex] Long live the revolution!
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