[Sussex] Of Cabbages and Kings Head

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Thu Jan 23 07:16:02 UTC 2003


On 22 Jan 2003 Nik Butler wrote
> Well I have been working the old charm again and have managed to meeting
> with Andrew Norrish , proprietor of the Old Kings Head , to discuss the
> possibilities of implementing Wireless access at the Hotel. 
> He has agreed the meeting and is open to the consideration that if he
> provides the  hardware and the service then I ( and any willing Slug
> volunteers ) will voluntarily install and configure the hardware. 
> From here we will have a Hotel location, central to Horsham, with Food,
> Beer, Coffee , Food and all with Free internet access. 

Good work

> The Kings head benefits by having people use its fascillities and we
> have a much better open forum for meetings.
> All those in favour and gratitude say.... Zoe Ball.

Female child of the presentor of "Think of a Number".

Steve [showing his age again]

If you need a hand shout, can't promise I'll have the time but you're
welcome to ask.

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