[Sussex] Will Debian survive the rise of Linux?
Gareth Ablett
Gareth.Ablett at itpserve.co.uk
Tue Jul 1 10:21:00 UTC 2003
When you think about it though the only reason they do this article on
Debian is because its one of those distros that is on the borderline
from being and unknown to being a well known. When the Linux market
becomes a viable desktop system for "Joe User", (as he put it.) then
Debian is in the right mind to try and let Joe User that they are there
and willing to be used.
And quoting from Geoff
"The reason the average man on the street knows the names "Apple" and
"Microsoft" is because they advertise to him because he/she is one of
their target markets."
It all comes down to what is a target so when the Basic user becomes a
target then I'm sure Debian will make that 'User Friendly' installer,
but for the time being the users of Debian have exactly what they want.
Ps. I think with a few changes to that article it would be just as easy
to replace Debian with say Gentoo.
Btw the companys in you email geoff have mainly come from being a sole
producer of what they are un heard of for, and decided that with the
money we make from say 'Missiles' hay why not make cheap cars, TVs,
computer kit etc and only then do they decide to advertise.
Gareth Ablett
Systems Developer
ITP Services Ltd.
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