[Sussex] Wierdness is IP

nik at wired4life.org nik at wired4life.org
Tue Jul 15 00:04:01 UTC 2003

okay heres a little strange phenomena

My new LinITX box was originally configured using CDROM and (onboard ) Network
interface. I added a PCCard Wireless network , which is not the primary
network interface

Now im trying to get the original Onboard adapter working and whilst 


modules load and mii-tool reports that link is ok and working
and I can configure a tcpip stack on top of this I just can t seem to
ping or telnet or get packets sent/receved on the card ... 

any ideas people ?

nik at wired4life.org	http://www.wired4life.org/	Wired4Life, an Answer.

Any attempt to brew coffee with a teapot should result in the error code "418: I'm a teapot". 

[RFC 2324] by Eric Green (eric @ at badtux . org) 

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