[Sussex] Newbie to the list

Matt Taylor mattt at polymor.ph
Wed Jul 30 23:27:01 UTC 2003

Hi guys,

I've been lurking on this list for a couple of weeks now and I thought I'd 
better introduce myself. I've been using linux for a few years now and am 
technical manager for a small internet/web company up in london bridge 
(trying to get linux into every nook and cranny that I can!). 

After a long journey through the distros I settled on Gentoo last year. I 
started using linux in my first year at uni in manchester. A coursemate of 
mine helped me installed Redhat v5.something over ftp from their sunsite 
mirror. I still remember booting into linux for the first time after the 
install (my expert friend having gone home by this point) and being presented 
with the command prompt and not having the faintest idea what to do next! It 
was only later over the phone that he told me to startx.

I haven't looked back since. The list of distros I've tried are in the rough 
order of (with several jumps between):

(brief flirtation with FreeBSD, but that doesn't count)

We now use Gentoo for almost everything at work, from the lowly print server 
up to web and database/transaction servers for the ecommerce sites we build 
and host.

Anyway, the fact that this lug had been resurrected had completely passed me 
by. Great to see it's so active and I should very much like to join you guys 
in the Kings Head tomorrow night. I could have sworn I was the only linux 
user in Horsham! Obviously that's not the case. I'm looking forward to 
talking to some likeminded folks and not having to explain what linux is 
every time :)

Many Thanks

Matt Taylor
mattt at polymor.ph
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