[Sussex] Xine & Dxr3

Jon Fautley jon at geekpeople.net
Thu Jun 5 12:35:59 UTC 2003

On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, David Chapman wrote:

> Success.
> Just needed    ./configure --prefix=/usr
> Has anyone succesfully setup a dxr3 decoder card

That's the Sigma Designs Hollywood+ one yeah?

I set one up a long, long time ago (before the drivers were in the
'mainstream' as it were). It was actually quite simple as long as the card
didn't barf during the microcode upload.

I think it's even easier now - http://dxr3.sourceforge.net/ should have
all the information required.

If you have any Q's feel free to fire them at me and i'll see if i can
help :|

Don't use mine now, I've got a PC powerful enough to watch DVD's using
software decoding ;)

Jon Fautley           >o)     .^.     (o<   jon at geekpeople.net
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