[Sussex] Xine & Dxr3

Jon Fautley jon at geekpeople.net
Thu Jun 5 15:12:00 UTC 2003

On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, David Chapman wrote:

> I have the microcode and  kernel modules loaded.
> Xine runs with "xine -V dxr3" but I do not get any video displayed (sound yes
> video no)
> There are a few commands to calibrate the screen
> dxr3view & autocal
> but I can not find them on my box

OK, are you trying to use 'overlay' mode? i.e. where the pic is displayed
on your monitor? or output to a seperate device (i.e. tv)?

If it's overlay, i think you need to pass some options to the kernel
module to enable them. And you also need to specify the type of card you
have iirc.

ISTR that Overlay was the most flaky and most likely to crash your PC - so
beware! lol

This could all have changed from 'my day' at using the software, btw :)

Jon Fautley           >o)     .^.     (o<   jon at geekpeople.net
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