[Sussex] Re: Kylix and now PHP!

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Fri Jun 6 08:40:00 UTC 2003


On 06 June 2003 at 00:28 john wrote:
> The "more you sell, the cheaper it gets" attitude often found 
> in business does not seem to apply, when it comes to software
> of a proprietary nature (especially when the proprietor is M$),
> but about nailing you down and screwing the last drips of cash
> that they can manage.

I've snipped down to the one bit of you posting were I disagree
enough to post myself.  I think M$ is no different to any other
super-corp. with a monopoly.  IBM where much the same back in the
'60s (or so I'm told).  One only has to look to the price fixing,
and other illegal activities that cartels go in for from time to
time to see that M$ is not the only one to use such tactics.

M$ would be a much more customer friendly organisation if there
was good competition.  It couldn't pull of licensing stuns in the
ways it has or is customers would move over.  At the moment 
Linux is not perceived as ready or the flood would have started.
I've got the feeling that the actual readiness is not the issue,
but the perceived readiness that matters.


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