[Sussex] Wanted: Good GPL development tool for Cross Platform Environments.

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Sat Jun 7 15:17:00 UTC 2003

> Actually I have in mind, JavaSwing for this but I wondered if others had
> any experience on what does and does not work.
> What I want to do ...
> Write a small App to run in windows for connecting to remote databases
> and extracting a small amount of information.

You could use cygwin (www.cygwin.com), which is free. Then you can program
the app in anything, even shell and perl.

In fact, cygwin provides the gcc range of compilers, so you can output
runtime from Ada, C, C++ etc.

The only problem is that it can't create a GUI except on X.

> What it should do ....
> Allow me to redistribute the Runtime and Source of the code without
> license restrictions

As above, all you need to supply is the binary dll files that cygwin needs
to work along with your runtime and sources.

> What it should allow me to do...
> Simply compile against platform without expensive development
> environments and licenses.

As above.

> Now Im thinking that C and Java should fit the bill, anyone else ?


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