[Sussex] Long live the banana republic!

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Mon Jun 9 07:57:01 UTC 2003

Hi John

On 06 June 2003 at 19:12 john wrote:
> On Friday 06 Jun 2003 11:04 am, Steve Dobson wrote:
> > I agree, there is nothing wrong with the ideas of socialism, but the
> > best known implementation (Russian Communism) was flawed and failed.
> > Note that China has a different implementation and that is 
> > not suffering the same.  They are allowing some of the ideas of
> > western capitalism to operate their.
> Sorry Steve, but I will dispute that, the most successful 
> implementation of communism is probably Fidel Castro's CUBA.

I completely agree that Castro's Cuba is more successful (it's still going,
where as Communist Russia collapsed).  But I said "best known" not "most
successful", so I still stand by my comment.
> Though I seem to recall that Senor Castro has admitted that 
> communism in any form, needs capitalism to survive (who else is
> there to buy their cigars and rum - yum yum!)

Given a world where the different states are in competition against
each other (I don't mean at war, but on the production of goods and
services) then some sort of capitalist system is a given.  Until 
we have a working World Government then independent states will work
for their own best interests and no the world has a whole.  "World
Socialism" will have to wait until Star Trek dream comes true :-D


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