[Sussex] Recommendations for getting hardware

Neil Ford neil at smudgypixels.net
Mon Jun 9 08:45:00 UTC 2003

> From: sussex-admin at mailman.lug.org.uk 
> [mailto:sussex-admin at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Steve Dobson
> Sent: 09 June 2003 08:22
> To: SLUG (E-mail)
> All
> I'm think of building a Digital Video Recorder (DVR) and that 
> puts me in the
> market for some hardware.  Any recommendations on places to 
> go.  I plan to build the system to my spec, and I'm quite 
> happy building the system from the "bag of bits".
> Any recommendations on places to go (on the net) to get the 
> case, motherboard, CPU(s), etc from.
> Steve
The ususal suspects:
	Scan		http://www.scan.co.uk
	ebuyer	http://www.ebuyer.co.uk
	Insight	http://www.insight.com/uk

It may also be worth you checking out your narest PC World's component
centre. Their prices are remarkably competative, especially as you don't
have to pay shipping and you get instant gratification.

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