[Sussex] RE: Mandrakew 9.1 shared partitions

Gordon Darling gordondarling at btopenworld.com
Mon Jun 9 19:49:01 UTC 2003

Thanks to all the responses.

 > Matt
 > Instead of changing the permissions, how about changing the group 
that > the folders belong to and putting the users in that group?

Tried that but that didn't seem to work either

 > Hi, Ciaran
 > This isn't actually a thing with Mandrake's security, it's an fstab
 > thing.
 > Open up /etc/fstab as root and find the lines with /mnt/win_? in them,
 > where ? are your drive letters. In the options field (which'll look
 > something like "iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850"), add ",umask=000"
 > to the end. Then umount and mount the partitions (yes, even though you
 > have Mandrake's automounter, you should do this). Then, everything
 > should be the way you want it.

Worked perfectly!!

 > Steve

 > I've found that with FAT32 file systems that the trick is to have
 > the users that want to write to them should mount them.

I'd thought of this but I frequently run as a user in the gui and have a 
text console running as root with Midnight Commander and another text 
console running gcc or whatever so it's easier just to leave the fat32
partions mounted all the time.

Thanks to all

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