[Sussex] sendmail prob

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Tue Jun 10 17:16:00 UTC 2003

> Hey all,
> I know, and I can see you all running at quite a speed already
> just for mentioning SendMail configuration.
> I don't know if any one can help but I have been given the task
> Of setting up a web server.
> Although I was lumbered with a modified Release of RH7.3 that
> sadly was missing the conf tools and wouldn't Install one of
> the packages that was required to install the conf Tools.
> Anyway to my problem I have installed QPopper and have that working I
> can send mail using SMTP from the server but any mail I send to  an
> address on the server it doesn't even get into the server its
> bounced off.

Sounds like you don't have the hosts it is listening to setup properly in
the sendmail.cf file.

Look through the file until you see either:




Cw is used to set the hosts within the configuration file, and Fw is used
to read the hosts from a seperate file.

On my spod machine, I use Cw as:

Cwlocalhost fyremoon.net dracospodis

On my other machine I have:


This might be your problem, and if it doesn't have any hostname set, it
will bounce all email being sent to it.

> Any ideas would be helpful.

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