[Sussex] Monitoring at work

John Crowhurst fyremoon at fyremoon.net
Thu Jun 12 18:27:00 UTC 2003

> Well it look like that we can not snoop on fellow employees e-mails
> anymore :(
> This isn't fare, being able to read other people love letters etc has
> now go.  Gosh I hate the law, party poppers.

There is a problem here, if you imagine that more than just love letters
are sent through the system at most companies. Imagine how much a breach
of privacy it would be if the boss (or whoever is watching) gets
passwords, or even credit card details.

I, personally wouldn't like to be scrutinised over my net usage. It would
be all to easy to click on the wrong email, and end up on a porn site or
something. How can the employer differentiate between good intent and bad


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