[Sussex] Anyone using FWD as a SIP provider?

Iain Stevenson iain at iainstevenson.com
Fri Jun 13 09:05:05 UTC 2003

In a test I did with a colleague he found SJphone much easier to set up and 
get going than Xten.  It also connected much more quickly to my asterisk 
server.  The gsm codec in Xten is also a bit dodgy with asterisk.  Best to 
start with G.711.


--On Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:46 pm +0100 John Crowhurst 
<fyremoon at fyremoon.net> wrote:

> If I can just work out how to get SIP to work with my DSL router, its
> playing hard to get right now.
> Its a solwise SAR (Globespan 8100), I'm trying to get the x-lite client
> working before testing with anything heavier.
> Someone was enquiring about running their own SIP proxy, perhaps look at
> SER (http://www.iptel.org/ser) - SIP Express Router
> I'd like to play with the other extreme sometime too, H323
> --
> John
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