[Sussex] XFree86 New Display Driver

Stuart Jeffrey stuart at sjeffrey.co.uk
Sun Mar 2 18:20:02 UTC 2003

Don’t worry I managed to sort it (somehow) I upgraded to the latest
Xfree86 server and changed my Xconfig file and somehow it just

Thx any how....


 -----Original Message-----
From: sussex-admin at mailman.lug.org.uk
[mailto:sussex-admin at mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of Stuart Jeffrey
Sent: 02 March 2003 13:02
To: Sussex at mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: [Sussex] XFree86 New Display Driver

I have installed XFree86 on my machine, an am trying to play a divx
using Mplayer.  At current it is very jumpy as it has to use -vo X11.  I
would like to be using -vo xv because I have heard/read that it will
produce better output.  This machine is actually a laptop (toshiba Tecra
8000) which uses a Neomagic graphics card.  I have read that there is a
patch out for it, to allow this card to use -vo xv but I am not sure
howto install it.  I tried just replacing the existing neogmagic_drv.o
file and that didn’t work… Do I need to recompile XFree86 with it?
Any help would be much appreciated. 
Ps the machine in question is actually running FreeBSD but the process
should be exactly the same as linux. 
Pps Here are the links to the patches I found…. Any idea which I should
.net/users/winter/patches/patch-neomagic And HYPERLINK
Stuart Jeffrey 
Email: Stuart at sjeffrey.co.uk 
T: 07989854589 
F: 07901448049 
ICQ: 120285059 
MSN: stuart at sjeffrey.co.uk 
AIM: sjeffrey2002 
Yahoo: sjeffrey2002 

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