[Sussex] Cable modems etc.

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Mon Mar 3 14:25:00 UTC 2003


On 03 March 2003 at 13:52 John Crowhurst
> > Hi Guys,
> >
> > Another request for your experiences/ideas.
> >
> > My son-in-law will be receiving a Linux firewall/gateway courtesy of me
> > for his forthcoming internet connexion. He may use BT (normal Hayes
> > modem - OK) or use cable telephony. Any ideas about which cable modems
> > work well with Linux or do they just use an ethernet hole?  Any problems
> > connecting, etc.
> From what I can see, not having Cable but DSL, the routers are available
> in different forms.

You might not need a router.  If you already have a home network and a spare
computer then with two network cards you could insert the spare PC as a

                              |  Hub  |
    +-------+    +-------+    +-+-+-+-+   +-------+
    | Cable |    |  Old  |      | | |     |  PC 1 |
    | Modem +-x--+  PC   +------+ | +-----+-------+
    +-------+    +-------+        |
                              |  PC 2 |

The cable between the modem and the firewall (marked with an x) needs to be
a crossover cable.  This would give you a very nice, secure network.  If you
have the PCs just lying around then picking up a second NIC would only 
cost ~£10 - much cheaper than a fire walling router.

If you want a network but don't want to run CAT5 all over the house then
why not go WiFi.  I got a nice little unit called a MeshAP [1].  Cost around
£250 (The same price as a Apple WiFi base station and this one runs Linux).

The unit I got was running ext3 on a FlashDisk!  This is not the correct
to do.  Every 5 seconds ext3 flushes the journal which will life that part
the Flash.  You need to run JFFS2 which does journal but wares out the whole
of the Flash evenly.  Me - I added a disk to it and installed Debian.  Works
just fine.  This solution provides a much better network diagram:

                              | PC 1  |
    +-------+    +-------+    +-------+   +-------+
    | Cable |    |MeshAP |                |  PC 3 |
    | Modem +-x--+       |                +-------+
    +-------+    +-------+         
                              |  PC 2 |

Of course this will require a few more WiFi ports for each PC; but it's a
quicker to install than pulling up the carpet and floorboards and running
to every room.



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