[Sussex] Cable modems etc.

Steve Dobson SDobson at manh.com
Mon Mar 3 15:30:01 UTC 2003

On 03 March 2003 at 15:15 John Crowhurst
> > You might not need a router.  If you already have a home network and a
> > spare computer then with two network cards you could insert the spare PC
> > as a firewall:
> I thought that you could buy Cable modems with NAT and firewall, like you
> can for DSL, but it seems like you can't.
> > If you want a network but don't want to run CAT5 all over the house then
> > why not go WiFi.  I got a nice little unit called a MeshAP [1].  Cost
> > around £250 (The same price as a Apple WiFi base station and this one
> > runs Linux).
> I know linksys have a WiFi Cable router £89+VAT, perhaps that will serve
> as a replacement for the MeshAP?

But you can't configure that to do the fire walling (although I expect that
they will do NAT automatically).

Of course if you really want to save the bucks just by the WiFi card and
plug the Modem into the back of your workstation - No need for a router
and no need for the base station.  There is no reason why a Linux
can't double up as a router, firewall, masquerader, e-mail SMARTHOST, HTTP
proxy, ...


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