[Sussex] Success

Andrew Guard agua at coinford.co.uk
Wed Mar 12 15:04:01 UTC 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nik Butler [mailto:nik at wired4life.org]
> Sent: 12 March 2003 13:57
> To: Sussex
> Subject: [Sussex] Success
> Just to let you know my Hearing with Actus IT at the 
> Employment Tribunal
> was a success. Its Been agreed that I am due to be paid for 
> the deferred
> payments, 10,592 gross..
> So um I guess when ( if ) they pay its a beer or two on me <grin>

I've just had an look there web site, for IT business they don't believe in
keeping web site up to date. Which doesn't give great belief in them.  So
what happened about there great expansion plans?

Just 2/cents worth

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