[Sussex] Joining

John Davis big-john at dsl.pipex.com
Sat Mar 15 17:11:01 UTC 2003

On Friday 14 Mar 2003 9:21 pm, Wasim Khamlichi wrote:
> Hello,
> How can i join the Sussex User Group? If i was to join would i have to have
> a big knowledge of linux or would i learn along the way?
> Thanks
> Wasim Khamlichi

Don't worry about having little or no linux knowledge, you wouldn't be the 
only one (me, me, me!), and although I tend to be one of those lurking in the 
background, it doesn't stop me taking an interest in the many and varied 
topic's that end up on the mailing list (even if some of the stuff posted 
does get "a little highbrow" - ho hum!)



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