[Sussex] Debian Install

Dominic dominic.clay at btinternet.com
Sun Mar 16 19:57:00 UTC 2003

I have just installed Debian from a minimal downloaded iso image.  I'm 
really pleased with myself, except I now have to work out how to 
configure apt-get to get packages with lots of up to date versions of 
everything.. :)  Looking at a few bits and pieces, the packages on the 
CD Image (very few anyway) are out of date.   Of course this doesn't  
matter with this wonderous internet thing, but how do I do it?
I know I need to put  URLs in the apt config files, but I thought there 
must be a few people who knew about Debian on this list :P ....

I'll keeplooking for help on the www, but if you've got any clues..,  :)


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